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Howard Dean: Yeah, he gets it.

From today's acceptance speech at the DNC... Howard Dean:

Organizing means raising money not only from big donors but small contributors, not only through dinners and telephone solicitations and direct mail, but also through the Internet and person-to-person outreach.

Organizing means transforming us into a Party that can communicate with its supporters and with all Americans.

Politics is at its best when we create and inspire a sense of community. The tools that were in part pioneered in my campaign - like blogs and Meetups and most importantly, community building - are just a start.

We are going to use all of the power and potential of technology as part of an aggressive outreach to meet and include voters, to work with your state parties, and to get our message out.

Thank you, Howard. We got your back.

Posted on February 12, 2005 in grassroots organizing, money, strategic issues | See full archives
